Pictures from Our Events / Activities Bag making, P.2 Bag making, P.2 Bag making, P.2 Belt making, P.4 Belt making, P.4 Table cloths, P.6 Dade Resort Making, M.A Finished belts, P.4 Finished belts, P.4 Finished belts, P.4 Bag making, P.2 Knitting flowers Making bags, P.2 Pasting to make tables, Middle A Knitting table mats, P.6 Knitting table mats, P.6 Pasting to make tables, Middle A Making bags, P.2 Making bags, P.2 Board work, P,7 Board work, P,7 Knitting flowers, P.5 Knitting table mats, P.6 Pasting to make tables, Middle A Making a mirror, P.2 Making a mirror, P.2 Knitting table mats, P.6 Belt making, P.4 Belt making, P.4 Belt making, P.4 Finished flowers, P.5 Finished flowers, P.5 Knitting flowers, P.5 Knitting flowers, P.5 Knitting flowers, P.5 Knitting flowers, P.5 Knitting flowers, P.5 Wood work, P.7 Knitting table mats, P.6 Knitting table mats, P.6 Table cloth making, P.2 Knitting table mats, P.6 Table cloth making, P.2 Table cloth making, P.2 Project work, Top class Project work, Top class Weaving, P,2 Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Beading, Baby B Pasting to make a table, Middle A Pasting to make a table, Middle A Pasting to make a table, Middle A Pasting to make a table, Middle A Pasting to make a table, Middle A Pasting to make a table, Middle A Beading, Baby B PreviousNext Pre exhibition Abraham explaining to Eseza Muto Abraham Amara and Miracle Angello, electricity experiment Baby, insect bead work Baby class parent taking picture Bags, P.2 Beach set up, Middle A Bead pasting, Baby B Belts, P.4 Bracelets, Baby A Bracelets, Baby B Dade Resort, Middle A Bracelets, Middle A Cakes, Home Economics club Cakes. Home Economics club Cosmetics bags, P.4 Crunchies, P.4 Dresses and skirts, Home economics Egan's family Elizabeth counting Elizabeth counting Enorah, P.3 Science experiment Eseza Omutto interviewing the HM Ethan explaining P.7 Project Ethan explaining P.7 Project Ethan, P.7 Evans, P.7 TV project Flowers,P.2 Fruits bead work, Middle B Thread fan, Top class Hand tree, Top class Handwork, Baby C Handwork, P.5 Handwork, P.5 Happy parent Happy parent and child Happy parent and children Happy parents and children Home Ecomomics Israella, Middle B Jeremiah, P.3 experiment Jewelry, P.3 Ketra, island experiment Kevin explaining thread maps Kevin explaining thread maps Manyata village Maps, P.7 Maps, P.7 Mercy explaining the heart Mich explaining the baking process Mirrors, P.2 Nimiah, P.6 Science experiment Bracelets, P.1 Progress check, P.1 Progress check, P.1 Progress check, P.1 Tie and dye, P.1 P.4 Science experiment P.5 handwork Ketra explaining to a parent P.5 Science experiment P.5 Science experiment P.5 Science experiment P.6 Science experiment P.6 Science experiment P.7 Project work P.7 Project work Progress check Parent checking handwork Parent checking classwork Parent checking classwork Parent checking handwork Parent taking picture Parent taking picture Parents checking classwork Parents checking classwork Parent checking handwork Parent checking handwork Photo frames, P.1 Pocket ties, P.4 Precious, P.6 Science experiment Sheep pasting, Baby C Sisal bags, P.2 Skeleton experiment Storage box, P.6 Baby Suubi Table cloths, P.2 Table mats, P.3 Table mats, P.6 Teacher Peace talking to parent Tie and dye, Top class Tooth brush holder, Middle B Top class parent Tr. Zuena and parent Trixie, P.5 SST experiment Vianney and dad Wall hanging and jewelry, P,5 Wall hanging, Home Economics Wall hanging, P.1 Watering can and flowers Wall hanging and bags Yvette explaining to a parent PreviousNext Exhibition 2024 Rev. Noah dedicating candidates Pearl, service leader Choir Abraham dancing Parent praying for candidates Yvette, choir leader Choir Angello and Evans Carter and Jonathan Choir Parent praying for candidates Conan and Steven Parents praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Director and clergy Director praying Faith singing Head girl and priest Head teacher and clergy Head teacher Gracious praying Cynthia praying Jonathan praying Abraham praying Parent praying Noah praying Ethan and Joram Kevin and Ashton P.7 Dancing P.7 Dancing P.7 Dancing P.7 Dancing P.7 Dancing P.7 Dancing P.7 Dancing Parents praying for candidates Parent praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Parent praying for candidates Parents singing Parents praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Parents praying for candidates Parent's speech Prilla and Charlotte Pupils praying for candidates Ramonah and Cathy Ramonah praying Angello taking a reading Charlotte taking a reading Rev. Kinene preaching Rev. Noah dedicating candidates Rev. Noah dedicating candidates Shyne and Noah Conan, P.7 representative Success card PreviousNext P.7 Dedication 2024 Holy Communion Baptism Confirmation Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Offertory Offertory Offertory Head teacher Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Family picture with priest Family picture with priest Holy Communion Family picture with priest PreviousNext My Experience When I Took My First Holy Communion In and out Opening entertainment by ballet club Tin passing Tin passing Cup pilling Cup pilling Parents vs teachers game - cup lifting with a balloon Parents vs teachers game - cup lifting with a balloon Parents vs teachers game - cup lifting with a balloon Parents vs teachers game - cup lifting with a balloon Parents vs teachers game - cup lifting with a balloon Parents vs teachers game - cup lifting with a balloon School Management Committee member Parents celebrating Pass the ball - upper primary Pass the ball up and down Matching Pass the ball - upper primary Tin passing Tin passing Tin passing Tin passing Tin passing Tin passing Potato peeling race Potato peeling Potato peeling Red house celebrating White house celebrating Sack race and button fixing Sack race and button fixing Sack race and button fixing Sack race and button fixing Sack race and button fixing Shape fixing Soccer club Soccer club Soccer club Shape fixing Three legged race Three legged race In and out game Announcing the winner Awarding the best colours Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Tyre race Announcing the winners Announcing the winners Garbage collection Garbage collection White house celebrating their victory White house celebrating their victory Cone hulla hoop race Cone hulla hoop race Cone hulla hoop race Ball collection Ball collection Ball collection Ball collection Baby A Ball collection Baby class Baby C dressing up Baby C dressing up Duck collection game Duck collection game Duck collection game Ball collection Baby class Ball collection Baby class Guest of honour speech Ball collection Baby class Ball passing Ball passing Blue house matching Bottle filling Bottle filling Bottle filling Bottle filling Bean balancing Bean balancing and spin Bottle collection Chair pilling Chair pilling Cup pilling Dress up game Hula hoop chain race Hula hoop chain race Hula hoop chain race Parents game -Bible Trivia Pass the message (actions) Pass the message (actions) Pass the message (actions) Pass the message (actions) Shape fitting Shape fitting Shape fitting Shoe game Sorting PreviousNext Sports Day 2024 Bakiga dancing Ankole dance Ankole dance Ankole dance Ankole dance Ankole dance Ankole dance Ankole dance Batooro/ Banyoro cooking Stage set up Drinking bushera Pupil finished pounding millet Grinding millet Millet Pounding millet Preparing eshabwe Preparing ghee Mingling millet Mingling millet Preparing Tooro/ Bunyoro sauce Preparing Tooro/ Bunyoro sauce Bakiga dancing Bakiga dancing Ankole ladies Ankole men Bakiga dancing Bakiga dancing Bakiga dancing Babies dancing Acholi boys and Sudanese girl Kanzu men Kikoyi ladies Kitenge outfit Masai ladies Gomesi laddies Mushanana ladies Mushanana ladies Ankole men Food tasting Food tasting PreviousNext Cultural Day 2024 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page Next › Last page Last »